It is a big honor to announce that famous French composer, Colette Mourey made few pieces for guitar solo as Hommage à Petar Čulić (Sonata Appassionata, Toccatina Barbaresca and Variations Serieuses)!
Colette Mourey was born in 1954 and forms future schoolteachers at the University of Franche-Comté in France. Since 2008 she has been working on her own theory of “hypertonality”, which is based on a larger scale than the octave, thus radically transforming atonal counterpoint techniques by allowing the reintroduction in this context of “natural consonances”. At the same time this experiment allows the composer to create methods of musical initiation and education which embrace a wide spectrum of contemporary tendencies, both in the geographical and historical senses. The passage from atonality to hypertonality is the result of her desire to bring serious contemporary composition and more popular trends closer together, whilst remaining within a complex musical organisation.
You can order scores on Marc Reift web site, EMR copyright – Colette Mourey